It’s been a while…

Blogging isn’t the easiest thing to do I have learnt that the hard way, nevertheless, I love doing it. My second year in nursing has brought on a lot of varied emotions, which I really didn’t expect. I am now on my ‘final’ placement for this year and I can only pray that everything goes […]

Reflection, Reflection, Reflection!

“Reflect about how you felt”   Reflection. It has become a part of me, even more so since starting this Nursing degree. We are taught to reflect after everything we do and possibly even before if that is even possible. What we say as student nurses then eventually nurses will make a huge difference to […]

Mental Health Nursing – what it was like for an adult branch student nurse…

I was previously on an acute mental health psychriatric ward. It was a 16 bed inpatient ward which caters to a variety of mental disorders, the most common being schizophrenia. Around 99% of patients on the ward have been sectioned either under section 2 or section 3 of the mental health act 1983. Here is a […]


Second placement – first day. I arrived to the hospital at 645 am after the dull journey on London’s 5* tube service. I was tired, my brain felt dry- how was I going to absorb the information needed for today. I was welcomed onto the cardiology ward by a pale skinned zombie like nurse who […]

My Experience On a General Surgical Ward

As you all know this blog has been slightly delayed, so now I will update you about my thoughts about my first clinical placement. I started my placement on a busy surgical ward two months after starting university, I guess they wanted to throw us in head first. It was an experience I will never […]

My first clinical skills assessment

I have started this blog almost half way through my first year at University – not the best idea. This happened because I was so overwhelmed with everything that was happening blogging came at the very end of my list of ‘things to do’, but finally I have started and I thought I’d share my […]